1 BSP WRAS Brass ball valve motor Open/Close or Failsafe


£252.68 incl. VAT
£138.97 ex. VAT

Brand: Connexion

Model: ABV08W-E2-MO

Stock: 62 in stock

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1 BSP inch Motor Actuated WRAS Approved Ball Valve series ABV08W-E2-MO.
Torque: 16-27NM
Cycle life: 70,000 open/close
Power: 10 Watts
Open or close time: 10 seconds
Protection: IP67
Mounting: ISO5211 F03 + F05
Temperature: -15°C to +60°C ambient
Voltages 12vDC-24vDC+24vAC or 110-240vAC with multi voltage technology.
Visual position indication
Manual Override (with Allen key provided)
E2 position feed back switches. (Volt free, no voltage is supplied from the actuator. 36vDC, 0.4 Amp Max).

Control option: Failsafe closed, Failsafe Open or Power Open/Power Close.

Ball Valve:
Port sizes: 1 BSP female thread
Orifice: 25mm
Pressure: 40 Bar Max
Temperature: -20C to +95C
Approval: WRAS certificate, 2309911
Body: Brass CW617N nickel plated
O rings: Viton
Seats: PTFE.

Options to choose:
a. Failsafe Closed = Power +ve Red; -ve Black valve will open, Power OFF will automatically close with reserve power.

b. Failsafe Open = Power +ve Red and -ve Black valve will close, Power OFF will automatically Open with reserve power.

Failsafe actuators require initial 30 second power ON when new to charge reserve power, thereafter a minimum 10 Seconds.
Will draw less than 0.5 Watt when powered and not moving.
E2 volt free open + closed position feedback 3 wires (Green + Yellow and common White)

c. Power Open/Power Close = Connect Red +ve and Black -ve, Green is the control wire.
Power to GREEN valve opens, remove power from GREEN valve closes.
E2 volt free open + closed position feedback 4 wires (Blue + Grey and Yellow + White)

Destruction Test.
On the 1st November 2020 at around 5PM we connected an ABV-E2-MO/9AR to a dry 11/2 BSP stainless steel ball valve with 12-24vDC-24vAC failsafe closed actuator. Ten attached our SVDT22 (digital cycle timer) set to 1 cycle every 60 seconds (30 sec power ON Open then 30 Sec power off to Close) 24/7 all day all night non-stop. (Except holidays)

In October 2022 the valve finally failed after 977,762 open and close cycles.

Technical Specification

Brand: Connexion

Model: ABV08W-E2-MO

Width: 50.00 mm

Height: 146.00 mm

Depth: 83.00 mm

Weight: 0.75 kg

Valve / Product Type: Ball Valve, Motor Actuated

Body Material: Brass

Voltage: 110vAC, 12vDC, 230VAC, 24vAC, 24vDC

Port Size: 1 thread

Function: 2/2 Normally Closed, 2/2 Normally Open, Power Open/Power Close

Operation: Direct Acting

Pressure Maximum: 12 Bar, 13 Bar, 14 Bar, 15 Bar, 16 Bar, 17 Bar, 18 Bar, 20 Bar, 25 Bar, 30 Bar, 35 Bar, 40 Bar

Seals: FKM (Viton)

Approvals: IP67, WRAS

Media: Air, Fluid (Non Aggressive), Gases (Non Aggressive), Oils + Fuels 50cSt Max, Vacuum (Low), Water

Options required: Anti Water Hammer, Bi-Directional Flow, Position Feedback Closed, Position Feedback Open+Closed, Position indication Visual

Orifice: 25mm